Multi-tenant, service-based, SaaS app with CQRS and DDD

Migrating admissions app from ASP.NET Core MVC to Razor Pages

React Gantt chart library

Custom charting component with React hooks

Maintenance App with ASP.NET Core and React

Admissions App with ASP.NET Core MVC

Task Management with ASP.NET and React

Web App with with ASP.NET Core/Identity Server and React

Web App with ASP.NET Core and Angular 7

Charting with ASP.NET and JQuery/Knockout.js

Reporting with ASP.NET and ReportViewer

Statistical Analysis with MFC and WPF

Email Address Book and Alerting with WPF

Process Simulation with ASP.NET and Matlab

Production Tracking App with WPF

Relational Mapping with MFC and WinForms

.NET Functionality in a Legacy MFC Application